
The path to a more independent life
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Conductive Education in adapted elementary and adapted secondary school


En skoldag på Move & Walk anpassad skola är fylld av glädje och utveckling! Hos oss studerar eleverna utifrån sina egna förutsättningar och unika behov. Tillsammans med er sätter vi upp mål för att ditt barn/din ungdom ska kunna leva ett självständigare liv – fyllt med glädjeämnen och framgångar.

At Move & Walk adapted school, we integrate Conductive Education (CE) into the curriculum. This allows your child/adolescent to have access to CE throughout the school day. Our educators build up motivation in your child/adolescent through active communication, motor skills, as well as cognitive and social interaction.

Konduktiv Pedagogik i anpassad skola, grundsärskola, gymnasiesärskola

Grundsärskola och gymnasiesärskola ändrar namn den 1 juli till anpassad grundskola och anpassad gymnasieskola.


A school day at Move & Walk Adapted School is filled with joy and development! Here, students work based on their own abilities and unique needs. Together with you, we set goals for your child/adolescent to lead a more independent life – filled with subjects of joy and successes.

At Move & Walk adapted school, we integrate Conductive Education (CE) into the curriculum. This allows your child/adolescent to have access to CE throughout the school day. Our educators build up motivation in your child/adolescent through active communication, motor skills, as well as cognitive and social interaction.

All made possible by specially trained staff


Our staff consists of Conductors (special teachers) trained at the András Pető Faculty within Semmelweis University in Budapest, special educators/special teachers with experience from Swedish adapted elementary and secondary schools, as well as teacher and student assistants. We also have quality developers in CP who provide guidance to the staff in the school. Conductors, special teachers/special educators, parents/guardians, and personal assistants maintain close communication. Together, they create the individual development plan based on each student's specific needs.

Warm welcome to our schools in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö!

All made possible by specially trained staff


Our staff consists of Conductors (special teachers) trained at the András Pető Faculty within Semmelweis University in Budapest, special educators/special teachers with experience from Swedish adapted elementary and secondary schools, as well as teacher and student assistants. We also have quality developers in CP who provide guidance to the staff in the school. Conductors, special teachers/special educators, parents/guardians, and personal assistants maintain close communication. Together, they create the individual development plan based on each student's specific needs.

Warm welcome to our schools in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö!

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