Move & Walk - a family-owned company
Move & Walk Sverige AB is a family-owned company, 100% owned by Move & Walk Förvaltning AB, 556688-5959. Move & Walk Förvaltning AB is owned 51% by the founder Eszter Horváth Tóthné and 49% by Szabmit Kft, Tax number 26138765-2-43 (Hungary), which in turn is owned by Gabriella Szabadhegy.

Eszter Horváth Tóthné
CEO, Founder, Owner, Chairperson of the Board
25 years ago, Eszter made the decision to come to Sweden from Budapest, Hungary, to live her dream of starting a business with Conductive Education and to establish and spread the pedagogy beyond Hungary. She brought her husband and their two children on this journey to start a new life in a completely foreign country with all the challenges it entails. The presence and support of her family have been one of the cornerstones throughout the years, enabling her to continue working towards her goal and reaching the point where she and the company are today.

Gabriella Szabadhegy
Gabriella is a proud mother of five children, whom she raises together with her husband, Peter. After dedicating many years to her family, Gabriella has returned to work and currently serves as the Office Manager for the Social Impact Investors' Association in Hungary. Move & Walk holds a special place in Gabriella's heart, not only because it is run by her sister but also because it demonstrates a company's positive impact on society and individuals, both socially and emotionally.