Student Health Team
The work of the Student Health Team is a long-term school development process, focusing on the connection between learning and health.
The mission of the Student Health Team is to generally work towards:
- Promoting student learning, development, and health
- Preventing ill-health and learning difficulties
- Contributing to the creation of environments that promote learning, development, and health
- Supporting students' progress towards educational goals.
Externa experter som bidrar till elevhälsoarbetet är skolläkare, skolsköterska, kurator och skolpsykolog.

Peter Revesz
School Doctor
Göteborg, Solna

Per Zetterlund
School Doctor

Birgitta Thörn
School Nurse
Göteborg, Malmö, Solna

Katarzyna Baumann
School Psychologist
Göteborg, Solna

Karolina Persson
School Counsellor
Göteborg, Malmö, Solna

Pernilla Berggren
School Psychologist

Marian Kindström
School Nurse
Göteborg, Malmö, Solna